TCP Fix Siliconized Acrylic Sealant is used for PVC, Aluminium and wooden panel installation, joins between door/window frames and the wall, joints at washbasin, bathtub, closets, tiles and ceramics, cracks in wall, wood, plaster, aluminium, brick and concrete.
- Easy to aply
- Form permanently water repellent layer after curing.
- Resistance to water conditions.
- Remains flexible for a long time after curing.
- Paintabble
1. Conact area must be dry, clean, free from dust, oil and grease.
2. Ensure neat sealant edges mask the areas adjacent to join with Masking tape.
3. Cut the tip of cartridge with angle in accordance with size of the surface to be applied on.
4. Place cartirage in the gun and inject tje joint with selant.
5. The applied sealent should be smoothed immediately with a spatula, tool or finger.Remove masking tape right after smoothing.
SPREADING RATE (for one coat):
- Direct contact of uncured sealant irritates eyes and may irritate skin.
- Over exposure to vaor may irritate eyes, nose and throat.
- Avoid eye and skin contact
- Use with adequate ventilation
- Keep out of reach of children!
- Keep out of freezing
It should be stored in dry, ventilated place, unopened pcking at temprature between +5 and +25C